National California Strawberry Day 2024

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Strawberries are the taste of heaven with a dash of whimsy and sunshine. They make double scoop strawberry ice cream cones for picnics, and their brilliant red, dimpled fruit is a great idea. The ice cream will undoubtedly run down our chins as the season heats up, but that is a small price to pay for a mouthwatering harvest of these stunning and lovely berries. The juices leave a tempting impression on the lips of adorable toddlers and sweethearts even when consumed fresh.

Remember that strawberries are a great source of potassium, fiber, folic acid, and vitamin C while you enjoy the first taste of summer. They have no fat and no cholesterol, and they are minimal in calories.

The 21st of March is National California Strawberry Day, and it's undoubtedly the ideal event for those who love health to savor the delectable goodness of strawberries, a global favorite! Strawberries for a full day? For what reason not? Warming countless hearts and filling stomachs, this delicious fruit in the shape of a heart is also loaded with nutrients that are healthy for our skin, brain, and heart, among other organs. Established in 1983, National California Strawberry Day is a celebration of strawberries that can be found in many different recipes, organized by the California Strawberry Advisory Board (now the California Strawberry Commission).

National California Strawberry Day marks the beginning of strawberry season in California and coincides with National Nutrition Month. Every year on March 21st, the first official day of spring, there is a celebration. It's the perfect time to revive our senses and develop a passion for dishes that feature fresh fruit.

National California Strawberry Day
National California Strawberry Day

National California Strawberry Day History

As everyone knows, strawberries are currently one of the most popular fruits in the world, but did you realize that they have been around for centuries? Contrary to popular opinion, strawberry plants were used medicinally in ancient Rome in 234 B.C.; they were used to treat fever, depression, kidney stones, and sore throats. France began cultivating the tiny, scarce fruit by the fourteenth century B.C. Strawberries were originally discovered in America by Europeans in 1588. But the varieties of strawberries we eat today are not the same as those from the past. When native strawberries from Chile arrived in France in 1712, they were combined with European strawberries to create the mouthwatering, enormous fruit that are consumed today.

The tiny bright red strawberry, scientifically known as Fragaria ananassa, is thought to be a berry similar to blackberries and raspberries, but it isn't a true berry in the botanical sense since it comes from a single flower with multiple ovaries, unlike true berries, which come from a single flower and an ovary with multiple seeds. True berries include things like peppers, tomatoes, bananas, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, and gooseberries.

Loaded in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, strawberries are said to offer a plethora of health benefits, including warding off cancer, boosting immunity, improving eye and brain health, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Strawberries also fit nicely into the low-calorie diet, which aids in weight loss. 


National Strawberry Day Dates

2024March 21Thursday
2025March 21Friday
2026March 21Saturday
2027March 21Sunday
2028March 21Tuesday

Fun Facts About Strawberries

  • Strawberries are an effective teeth-whitening food. The vitamin C in them aids in the battle against plaque.
  • The only fruit that has seeds on the exterior is strawberries!
  • Once harvested, strawberries stop ripening, in contrast to other fruits.
  • Strawberries grow well in most parts of the world and can withstand a variety of environmental factors.
  • Every strawberry has roughly 200 seeds.
  • Eight strawberries provide 140% of the daily required amount of vitamin C, which is more than an orange.
  • The strawberry plant belongs to the rose family, as does its close companion the raspberry plant.
  • Ellagic acid, a unique compound found in strawberries, may be able to combat certain types of cancer.
  • A typical strawberry contains 200 seeds.
  • The normal strawberry bloom has five to seven petals.
  • Strawberries actually belong in a different category entirely because, technically speaking, berries have seeds within and don't originate from a single ovary.
  • The first fruit to ripen in the spring is strawberries.
  • The top three inches of soil contain the majority of the roots.
  • In 94% of American homes, berries are consumed.
  • The USDA estimates that each year, Americans consume 3.4 pounds of fresh strawberries.
  • Every year, Americans consume an additional 1.8 pounds of frozen strawberries.
  • About fifty thousand pounds of strawberries can be grown on one acre of land.
  • In every state in the United States and every province in Canada, strawberries are farmed. 

Why We Celebrate Strawberry Day

Strawberries are quite tasty
This tasty treat from nature can be prepared in many different ways. Depending on your mood, indulge in sweets, ice cream, cake, puddings, smoothies, and after-dinner munchies.

It's the ideal nutritious snack
Because strawberries are low in calories, we may enjoy this delicious and highly nutritious dessert without worrying about gaining weight. We adore this!

Symbolic are strawberries
The delectable confection has long been connected to rebirth, fertility, purity, and love. Give some strawberries to your special someone today! 

How National Strawberry Day Is Celebrated

  • Make your favorite strawberry recipes as spring approaches.
  • Include strawberries in your daily breakfast regimen.
  • While preparing a strawberry shortcake or parfait, create some memories.
  • Another enjoyable way to enjoy your strawberries is to take a trip to a pick-your-own farm.
  • On social media, use the hashtag #CaliforniaStrawberryDay and savor some strawberries from California.


Q: What other fruit has seeds that are visible on the outside?
A: Not one. The only fruit that has seeds on its skin is strawberries.

Q: How well do strawberries freeze?
A: In agreement. Take off the stems and place in a freezer-safe, airtight container. You may also use frozen strawberries in smoothies and other cold drinks.

Q: What is the calorie count of a strawberry?
A: medium-sized strawberry has approximately 4 calories. 

Q: What is the oldest known strawberry age?
A: The royal sovereign is one of the oldest varieties of strawberries that is still a household favorite, having been around since 1892.

Q: Which strawberry kind is the sweetest?
A: The Alpine Strawberry, sometimes referred to as the wild strawberry, is a petite, sweet strawberry with a distinct flavor that is also quite easy to grow. What fun.

Q: What's a fascinating strawberry fact?
A: Berries are members of the rose family. It should come as no surprise that they smell as good. 

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